Referral Form
Fax Referral Forms to 519-371-9295; or email to admin@riverstonecentre.ca
Get In Touch
Riverstone Services are best accessed by contacting our administrative team via email: admin@riverstonecentre.ca
Telephone: 226-923-3201
Fax: 519-371-9295
About Dr. Ugwu
Dr. Nichodemus Ugwu leads the clinical team at Riverstone Centre. He completed his undergraduate education in Nigeria in 2003. He then moved to Ireland and the UK for his post graduate training, completing in 2014. He practiced psychiatry as a consultant in both the UK and Ireland for several years. In 2016, he earned his Fellowship at the Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Canada. He has been working as a Psychiatrist in Canada since 2017 and is currently Chief, Department of Psychiatry at Grey Bruce Health Services in Owen Sound. Dr. Ugwu has gathered a multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals to bring a variety of treatment modalities to their clients.